Thursday, November 3, 2016

Amoris Laetitia - Par. 95

Love is not jealous

95.  Saint Paul goes on to reject as contrary to love an attitude expressed by the verb zelói - to be jealous or envious.  This means that love has no room for discomfiture at another person's good fortune (cf. Acts 7:9; 17:5).  Envy is a form of sadness provoked by another's prosperity; it shows that we are not concerned for the happiness of others but only with our own well-being.  Whereas love makes us rise above ourselves, envy closes us in on ourselves.  True love values the other person's achievements.  It does not see him or her as a threat.  It frees us from the sour taste of envy.  It recognizes that everyone has different gifts and a unique path in life.  So it strives to discover its own road to happiness, while allowing others to find theirs.