Friday, August 31, 2018

Rejoice and Be Glad - n. 107

The worship most acceptable to God

107. Those who really wish to give glory to God by their lives, who truly long to grow in holiness, are called to be single-minded and tenacious in their practice of the works of mercy. Saint Teresa of Calcutta clearly realized this: “Yes, I have many human faults and failures… But God bends down and uses us, you and me, to be his love and his compassion in the world; he bears our sins, our troubles and our faults. He depends on us to love the world and to show how much he loves it. If we are too concerned with ourselves, we will have no time left for others”.[94]

[94] Cited (in Spanish translation) in: Cristo en los Pobres, Madrid, 1981, 37-38.