160. Consequently, "it is not a matter of diminishing the value of matrimony in favour of continence".168 "There is no basis for playing one off against the other... If, following a certain theological tradition, one speaks of a 'state of perfection' (status perfectionis), this has to do not with continence in itself, but with the entirety of a life based on the evangelical counsels".169 A married person can experience the highest degree of charity and this "reach the perfection which flows from charity, through fidelity to the spirit of those counsels. Such perfection is possible and accessible to every man and woman".170
168 John Paul II, Catechesis (7 April 1982), 2: Insegnamenti V/1 (1982), 1127.
169 Id., Catechesis (14 April 1982), 3: Insegnamenti V/1 (1982), 1177
170 Ibid.