Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Amoris Laetitia - Par. 275

275.  In our own day, dominated by stress and rapid technological advances, one of the most important tasks of families is to provide an education in hope.  This does not mean preventing children from playing with electronic devices, but rather finding ways to help them develop their critical abilities and not to think that digital speed can apply to everything in life.  Postponing desires does not mean denying them but simply deferring their fulfilment.  When children or adolescents are not helped to realize that some things have to be waited for, they can become obsessed with satisfying their immediate needs and develop the vice of "wanting it all now".  This is a grand illusion which does not favour freedom but weakens it.  On the other hand, when we are taught to postpone some things until the right moment, we learn self-mastery and detachment from our impulses.  When children realize that they have to be responsible for themselves, their self-esteem is enriched.  This in turn teaches them to respect the freedom of others.  Obviously this does not mean expecting children to act like adults, but neither does it mean underestimating their ability to grow in responsible freedom.  In a healthy family, this learning process usually takes place through the demands made by life in common.