Sunday, May 14, 2017

Amoris Laetitia - Par. 287

Passing on the Faith

287.  Raising children calls for an orderly process of handing on the faith.  This is made difficult by current lifestyles, work schedules and the complexity of today's world, where many people keep up a frenetic pace just to survive.306  Even so, the home must continue to be the place where we learn to appreciate the meaning and beauty of the faith, to pray and to serve our neighbour.  This begins with baptism, in which, as Saint Augustine said, mothers who bring their children "cooperate in the sacred birthing".307  Thus begins the journey of growth in that new life.  Faith is God's gift, received in baptism, and not our own work,  yet parents are the means that God uses for it to grow and develop. Hence, "it is beautiful when mothers teach their little children to blow a kiss to Jesus or to Our Lady. How much love there is in that!  At that moment the child's heart becomes a place of prayer".308 Handing on the faith presumes that parents themselves genuinely trust God, seek him and sense their need for him, for only in this way does "one generation laud your works to another, and declare your mighty acts" (Ps 144:4) and "fathers make known to children your faithfulness" (Is 38:19).  This means that we need to ask God to act in their hearts, in places where we ourselves cannot reach.  A mustard seed, small as it is, becomes a great tree (cf. Mt 13:31-32); this teaches us to see the disproportion between our actions and their effects.  We know that we do not own the gift, but that its care is entrusted to us.  Yet our creative commitment is itself an offering which enables us to cooperate with God's plan.  For this reason, "couples and parents should be properly appreciated as active agents in catechesis...  Family catechesis is of great assistance as an effective method in training young parents to be aware of their mission as the evangelizers of their own family".309

306  Cf. Relatio Finalis 2015, 13-14.
307 Augustine, De sancta virginitate 7, 7: PL 40,400.
308 Catechesis (26 August 2015): L'Osservatore Romano, 27 August 2015, p.8.
309 Relatio Finalis 2015, 89.


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